If you were to look at my room especially when I was younger you would have seen that many things did not have a particular spot or all fit neatly--at least not in my teenage mind. The floor seemed just a good a spot as any for my clothes and the dresser top was always a great place to pile the things a little too precious to place on the floor. Even today, I struggle to put things back where they belong ( but thanks to college roommates, this discipline has become more of a norm for me). Now, when it comes to how things work in my mind, I am quite the opposite; I want everything to be neatly categorized.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Not so Black and White
If you were to look at my room especially when I was younger you would have seen that many things did not have a particular spot or all fit neatly--at least not in my teenage mind. The floor seemed just a good a spot as any for my clothes and the dresser top was always a great place to pile the things a little too precious to place on the floor. Even today, I struggle to put things back where they belong ( but thanks to college roommates, this discipline has become more of a norm for me). Now, when it comes to how things work in my mind, I am quite the opposite; I want everything to be neatly categorized.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Some time away
Thursday, May 29, 2014
A Birthday Celebration!
Tonight we celebrated the birthday of one of our residents. It was exciting as we prepared the special meal she had requested and made the preparations to rejoice in her life. The menu: Pizza, watermelon, Dr. Pepper and chocolate cake—all of which are a special treat at VOH.
For me it is especially exciting because this resident has been here for quite a while. We have had many new girls come since my time here, and especially over the past few weeks and I am just starting to get to know them. However, this young lady has been here for a number of months and I’ve been able to see her personality (character, life, heart- not sure if personality is best word) and get to know her some. The coolest part is watching her put into practice the things she is working on in counseling. As I thought about all of that and the silly memories and laughs we have had, as well as some challenges, I just cannot help but smile. I am SO thankful for her and her life, and that The Father brought her here. I have LOVE for her, and I’ve only known her a few months.
Reflecting on that and looking over the group of women seated at dinner I just thought about the love the Father continues to give me for these residents. Honestly, I struggle to love them on some days. I look across the table or the classroom and am frustrated or tired and do not want to love them like I should, but that’s when the Father reminds me to pray that I would love them. And it is moments like tonight when I can see the love He has given me for them, and that is beyond my own ability.
When I look at the one who died for me and His love for me, I can have the love I need to love others, even when they hurt me. His love for me should be my fuel to love others, by His love I am compelled to love others. A passage I am so thankful for that has helped me in this is 1 Peter 2:21-25:
21 For you have been called for this purpose, since Chr*st also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, 22 who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; 23 and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.
The passage doesn’t even say the word “love,” but it certainly shows it! And it is because of the Son's willingness to suffer and die for me two thousand some years ago that I can love others, even when I don’t feel like it or cannot do it on my own. I can “die to sin” and my desires to just do what is best and easiest for myself, and instead “live to righteousness” and practice the liberty The Son has given me to love and serve others. I am free and enabled to love in ways far beyond what I imagine I would be able to as I am willing to obey the one who saved me!
That is something to celebrate!